George Hutchins - Land Holdings

Red areas show land owned by George Hutchins in the Village of Osborne in 1859


George Hutchins first bought Crown land at Osborne in 1856. By 1860 he had also acquired about 1½ acres of sandy soil close to his market garden, and five township lots between Victoria Ave and the estuary, where he built a house in 1862.

George later lived in Mornington, where his descendants are still fishermen. George was a law-clerk (as a 20-year-old in England), fisherman, market gardener, and land owner. At one stage, with two partners, he also owned a gold mine at Tubba Rubba. He was a true pioneer of the Mount Martha district.

Public Lands Office map, dated 29 September, 1857. The
blue shaded area is shown as a "Police Station". This has
been described as a place where police riding around
the Mornington Peninsula could rest their horses.