James Thomas Francis
James Thomas Francis was living with his uncle, George Dorling, in Korumburra, when he enlisted in the A.I.F on 16 July 1915.
He left Melbourne as part of the 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, 10th Reinforcement, on 9 September, 1915 and returned on 17 July 1919.
He was one of 500 men picked for special duty in Egypt.
While on service, his horse was shot from under him, and he was pinned to the desert for several hours before he was discovered by the ambulance party.
As a result of his wartime experiences he contracted tuberculosis, which resulted in his death.

Australian Light Horse Regiment

Francis, James Thomas-Death Notice-The-Argus,19June,1920
Trooper James Thomas Francis died at the Caulfield Hospital, after 10 months’ illness as a cot patient. His remains were interred in the Mornington Cemetery on 19 February 1920.
James Thomas Francis was born in Mornington, to James and Carol (Ricketts) Francis, in 1892.
The family were living in Nepean Road when James Thomas Francis Snr. died of tuberculosis in 1899.
Trooper Francis received the Star Medal, and he was 28 years of age when he died.